Thank you for visiting. This blog is here to provide a place where we can share ideas on teaching EAP via Creative Approach to Language Teaching (CALT). CALT has been inspired by ideas of Ken Robinson, Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Edward de Bono and many others who find creativity a natural part of our intelligence and necessary component of learning. It focuses on divergent thinking and combines constructivist, ICT-enhanced and task-based learning methods with a community-of-practice style of communication. Its basic aim is to make language learning in higher education as natural as possible.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Creative Theories

I am planning to post some ideas on creative theories that I work with in my sessions but before I do so, I share a video of a talk I gave in January where the most important theories are mentioned and commented on. Here it is: Blind men and an elephant: What is creativity for